петък, 18 март 2016 г.

Verbum: Indicativus praesentis activi: IV coniugatio (Fourth conjugation present indicative)

Coniugatio IV (-ire - in infinitive form and -io in the first person singular present tense)

audio, audire, audivi, auditum - to listen to, to hear
venio, venire, veni, ventum - to come, to approach

Coniugatio III (-ere in infinitive and -io in the first person singular present tense)

facio, facere, faci, factum - to make
sapio, sapere, sapii, - - to understand, to have sense;

audire - infinitivus
audio - persona prima, singularis
audire > audi-re > audi

Sg                                                                                Pl
1. audi-o                                                                1. audi-mus
2. audi-s                                                                 2. iaud-tis
3. audi-t                                                                  3. audi-u-nt