A/ -ne questions
Mercator est probus (The merchant is honest)
-Estne mercator probus? (Is the merchant honest?)
(Tu) me pulchram putas (You find me beautiful)
- Mene pulchram putas? (Do you find me beautiful?)
Lingam latinam amas (You love the Latin language)
- Linguam latinam amatisne (Do you love the Latin language?)
Recitas ((You) read)
- Recitasne? (Do you read)
B/ How to form a question when you expect "yes"as an answer (Questions with nonne)
Iudex iustus est - The judge is just
- Nonne iudex iustus est? (The judge is just, right?)
Pompeianus es - (You) are from Pompey
-Nonne pompeianus es? (Surely you are from Pompey, aren't you?)
Sanguis fluit - Blood is flowing
- Nonne sanguis fluit? (Blood is flowing, isn't it?)
C/ Expect "no" as an answer (Questions with num)
Pompeianus es - (You) are from Pompey
-Num pompeianus es? (You aren't from Pompey, are you?)
Canes te terrent - The dogs frighten you
-Num canes te terrent? (The dogs surely don't frighten you, do they?)